
CAE Simulations Services



CAE simulations helps engineers to predict the real-world performance of the product. Performing the virtual testing can reduce the time of physical testing and can control the expenses on development process. There is utmost importance for CAE simulations in the process of product development. So, for engineers who involved in the product development need the powerful CAE simulations tool which can help in better predictions of the product.

Modern CAE CFD Multiphysics solutions like Ansys, Simcenter Abaqus, Nastran, Star CCM+, FloEFD are powerful and accurate simulation tools, which help engineers to validate product performance. Multidiscipline numerical simulations and optimization techniques help to analyse a wide range of simulations such as Structural analysis, Acoustics, Thermal analysis, flow, Electronic cooling, multibody simulations, composite structures etc.

Your project – Our Service

Digital Design Solutions is an engineering service provider company with expertise in Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). We are focused, motivated and experienced team in the simulations and ensure our clients to reach their goals faster, with lowest cost and more efficiently. We help our customers to design, analyse and optimize the product. We provide service to a wide range of industries like Automotive, Industrial Machinery, Consumer Appliances, FMCG, Process and more.



Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) service
  • Static analysis.
  • Implicit & Explicit Dynamic analysis.
  • Fatigue/Durability.
  • Thermal analysis.
  • NVH analysis.
  • Shock and vibration analysis.